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Environmental remediation deals with the removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water.  Once contamination is suspected, Ambleside Environmental (Ambleside) should be engaged to take action immediately as this can impact negatively on human health and the environment.  Ambleside has designed multiple remediation programs since 1999.  When remediation is required, Ambleside’s experienced environmental consultants will use tried and trusted methods to get you up to Ministry of Environment standards and back to business as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Once a site is suspected of being contaminated there is a need to assess the contamination.  Often this assessment begins with preparation of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.   It is also important is to consider off site contamination of nearby sites.  Nearby properties should be tested both before and after any remediation.  

Remediation methods are many and varied but can be categorized into ex-situ and in-situ methods. Ex-situ methods involve physical excavation of affected soils and subsequent treatment at the surface, while in-situ methods seek to treat the contamination without removing the soils.



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 If your property is contaminated and/or the contamination has migrated offsite, it will need to be brought up to Ministry of Environment standards in order to receive a Certificate of Compliance (COC).  A COC is required to develop your property and sometimes just to get back to business.  Often the best way to get your property back up to regulatory standards is to permanently remove the problem with excavation (dig and dump).  Prior to excavation, Ambleside Environmental should be engaged to characterize the soils and determine the extent of the contamination and which soils need to be shipped offsite to an authorized treatment facility.  Soil characterization also ensures that soil shipped to soil receiving facilities meets permit requirements.

Ambleside Environmental offers cost-effective excavation services, always ensuring that all standards are met to protect the Client, human health and the environment. When we excavate from a contaminated site, we often relocate the contaminated soil, where the soil can be processed, remediated, tested and reused. We also provide clean soil to backfill excavation sites.




Groundwater is the water located beneath the Earth’s surface. Groundwater can become contaminated when pollutants are released into the ground and work their way down. Movement of groundwater spreads the pollutant over a wider area (sometimes offsite). These plumes can be intersected with water wells or surface water bodies like streams and springs making the water unsafe for humans, livestock and aquatic wildlife.

Ambleside’s experienced staff works closely with our valued Clients to select the most efficient remedial technique by analyzing innovative techniques as well as conventional methods.



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If your property is found to have an Underground Storage Tank (UST) or Above Ground Storage Tank (AST), there is a chance that the tank may have worn down over time and possibly leaked into the soil or groundwater surrounding the tank. If this is the case, Ambleside Environmental should be engaged to remove the tank and have the Site remediated.

Many tank removal companies provide “certificates” for tank removals.  It is important to keep in mind that this does not mean your property has been remediated.  Ambleside provides an environmental report, signed by an environmental professional, with soil sampling and laboratory analysis confirming that the site is clean.  This is required for bank financing or insurance purposes and a basic tank removal certificate will not be sufficient.

Ambleside Environmental has a separate division called TankFinders to manage your tank removal.  TankFinders specializes in UST scanning to locate underground tanks, as well as tank removal, leaking oil tanks, decommissioned tanks, soil sampling, remediation, and certified closure reports.  Please visit the TankFinders website at www.TankFinders.com for more information.